BuyAComforter.com is coming soon!Check back shortly for great comforter content! For now, learn how to clean a down
comforter. Washing down is no huge problem. And really, you are best off doing it yourself. Of course, if there's a local Laundromat, that offers cleaning services (usually by the pound)and that you can trust to follow some special instructionsyou could take your stuff there. And you may have to anyway, as the only caveat is that washing MUST be done in a commercial-type, front-loading machine, or a newer home washing machine like the Maytag Neptune (which is a front-loader). You can't use a top-loading machine with
an agitator, as that will tear the baffles inside the bag. Simply toss a
bag/comforter or some clothes and mild liquid detergent into the machine
and wash on warm/gentle. Rinse the stuff a few extra times to make sure
all the detergent is out of the down. Then, toss it into a big dryer, on
medium. Some people like to toss in a tennis ball, as that will help break
up the wet down clumps. Some people also say that too will tear the
baffles. A few cotton towels likely would accomplish the same thing, and
be gentler on the comforter.
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